Prerequisite/Requirements for an Offshore Company in Dubai:
- Shareholders’ visit to the authority – Required
- Minimum number of shareholders – 1
- Minimum number of directors – 2
- A UAE resident secretary – Required
- Minimum capital requirement – The capital of the company can be any amount and in any denomination
- Capital deposit in the bank – Not required
- Name suffix – ‘Limited’ (e.g., ABC Holding Limited)
- Repatriation of profit – Possible
Documents required (Individual/shareholding)
- Original bank reference letter (latest)
- Original latest utility bill showing your complete name and current address (telephone, electricity, water, etc.)
- Passport copies valid for 6 months from the date of application
- CV or Résumé (profile) of the shareholders
Permitted Activity:
- carry out any of the above mentioned restrictions under Regulation 14.1 outside the United Arab Emirates;
- engage with legal consultants, accountants, management companies or other similar persons carrying on business within the United Arab Emirates;
- prepare and maintain books and Records within the United Arab Emirates;
- hold meetings of its Directors or members within the United Arab Emirates;
- hold a lease of property for use as a registered office in any designated freehold area in the United Arab Emirates approved by the Authority;
Restricted Activity:
- directly carry out any commercial activity in the United Arab Emirates;
- hold a lease of a property situated in the United Arab Emirates, other than a lease referred to in Regulation 14.2 (e);
- carry out banking business;
- carry out any insurance or re-insurance, insurance agent or insurance broker type business; or
- carry out any other business which may be prohibited by the Authority from time to time.